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Clam Bake

The occurrence of a social situation, in which females greatly outnumber or completely out number the male population. For instance like a party, wine and cheese party, baby shower, Tupperware party, or other social interaction in which females are numbered in majority.

The opposite of a sausage fest. "Wow this wine tasting is such a Clam Bake"

by wildhorsefh November 6, 2009

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The name of radical social-politics organisation also known as College lesbians against monster corporations

My girlfriend dosen't give me to fuck her twat 'cause she's the leader of CLAM in our town.

by free-fca January 1, 2009

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Albino Clam

When the male is about to ejaculate, he pulls out of the vagina and ejaculates onto the female's pubic hair and then uses his penis to distribute the semen evenly.

"Dude, she didn't shave so I had to Albino Clam her so she knew better than to let that shit grow."

by J-Stan November 24, 2008

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clam shack

Slang term for brothel. word brothel word whorehouse

Hey let's go to Costa Rica and hit the clam shacks. Buy lots of rubbers. Don't drink the water or eat the crab salad.

by Mattyboyee May 28, 2003

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clam bake

A party at which clams are baked

Hey timmy, are you going to the clam bake down at Willer's point?

Gosh no, I'm gonna go impregnate my girlfriend and snort coke.

by has every synonym for nameless been taken? September 22, 2006

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Clam breather

a blow job with a twist..... the person giving the head has a mouth full of egg salad.

Aw man my girl got kinky last night. She gave me a clam breather, extra paprika.

by ShanikwaWashington July 11, 2008

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clam bitch

a person who keeps contained and quiet, also keeps things to themselves.

and once they decide to open up and talk... all they do is be a bitch

thus clam bitch

guy 1: dude i havent heard chelsea say anything in months

guy 2: yeah i know bro, shes a clam bitch. one minute shes quiet the next shes a bitch

by chex March 17, 2008

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