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Hott Cooter, Hott Cooter

1. Term used for someone you want to sleep with or your think is hott boy or girl

2. Term used in any form of ackward silence, to alleviate tension and enforce laughter

3. its just funny

4. for those who speak abr- its ho-co, ho-co

cute guy---"ewww, hott cooter, hott cooter"

" I have really long toe hair...hott cooter, hott cooter"

by hocohoco July 5, 2009

cooter clapper

When you make that cooter clap

Cooter clapper ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

by Cooterclapper October 19, 2017

Cooter Pappy

Connoisseur of the Vaginal Arts

Oh my God Becky he is such a cooter pappy!!

by Cuh cuh coota pappy July 6, 2019


essentially another word for a vagina or pussy

i fucked her cooter-jane so hard last night bro, it was so tight

by lardlard November 14, 2021

Possum Cooter

This term is used whenever you encounter an outrageously foul smelling vagina.

John- "Hey what's happening man? What did you do last night?"

Dan- "I went out with my work buds and hooked up with a girl. We went home and fucked!!"

John- "Sweet dude, that's awesome!!!"

Dan- "Yeah, but the thing is, her pussy was so nasty, I still can't get this possum cooter stank off of my cock & balls."

by dizzotizzo August 31, 2015

cooter barf

The excrement of a happy vagina.

Omg, I totally made you cooter barf with that killer thrust maneuver!

by CooterQueen March 11, 2014

cooter jam

Period blood or any goop that comes from the vagina.

Skinny, don't sit on the toilet until I get time to go clean it, there's some cooter jam on the seat!

by Skinnyeinotsed June 3, 2023