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a word the cool kids use to describe everything and anything

im feeling emo today so im gonna hate life

look hes a cute emo

dayum girl that *insert anything here* is so emo

by the only and only potato January 12, 2006

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The modern term for goth. Basically white kids from upper middle class homes that like to dress like vampires and act depressed. The male emos are usually closeted drag queens that want to wear makeup without being called "fags."

Father-"Damn, those kids are really goth."

Son-"Dad! It's not goth anymore. It's called emo now! Duh!"

by Tomahhtoe November 23, 2009

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The cause of all death and sadness on this planet.

"Nobody understands me, I'm going to kill myself like the emo I am."

by Magicalponysparklz April 13, 2009

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people (men normally) who is "in touch" with their feelings (homosexuals that don't admit it)and get easily depressed because of everything, including the fact that they are good for nothing, not even good at killing them selfs, so they enter a defective cycle where they get depressed and try to suicide but they fail and get more depressed and so on..

Emos wear girl's jeans, lame t-shirts, vintage track jackets, studded belts, and the same shitty haircut.

by ferganian December 30, 2008

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wanna be rocker/punker/goth that folows a gey trend. it diverges from the real "emo" form the 90's into a fashion who's trend is to "look" depressed becouse mom and pops didn't gave money to spend at the mall in useless, stupid random, trendi stuff while the real depresed people remains on medication and the people that suffers of hunger stays in the streets, war, hungry, in Sudan, niggeria, etc.
those have a right and a reason to be depressed.

i'm an emo.
my dad did not whant to buy me a new i-phone. this world sucks my life will end.. cry with me, im sucha rebel punk that cries like a girl. tight up my pants. I only now one emotion, being stupid while i claim to suffer

by circle-pit August 12, 2008

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a person (usually an upper class white kid) who wears black eye-liner and skinny jeans because they have "problems", but instead of doing something about these "problems" they sit around in their houses pitying themselves while slashing their wrists hoping that someone gives them unneeded attention

i dont like emo kids

by 1=)1 December 21, 2008

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A style in which white teenagers wear black clothes and black eyeliner around their eyes. Their bangs usually slant across their face and cover one of their eyes. Emos listen to bands such as My Chemical Romance and Green Day.

Emo is the style in which some bands, such as My Chemical Romance, Green Day, and Fall Out Boy ususally dress.

by lovehorses94 April 27, 2008

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