Source Code

Fail Pass

A slip of paper given to an individual that does an action considered a "FAIL".

"Hey man, go to FailPasses.com and print out a Fail Pass for me, my little brother tried riding his bike across water...."

by WordMasterDude May 15, 2010


another word for chick-fil-a because well.. the menu fucking fails ass and their lemonade is supposed to be legendary i guess but really its not that good at all and the pulp makes it that much shitier.

ex. mm what shall we have..

ex i dunno wtf..? theres only 2 items on the menu


by Chris Jenrette May 18, 2009

30👍 45👎

fail whale

A beached whale.

oh em gee, we must help that beached whale.
no let's lol at the fail whale

by XombieJer March 2, 2010

17👍 23👎

Failed abortion

A Failed abortion is something that happened to your mom you are the definition of this word

Wow that guy is a Failed abortion
you: cries internally

by BrettTEM May 20, 2019

4👍 3👎

Fail Pail

When you fail but not so badly that it is kind of enough fail to fit in a pail (buckit)

1: Dude I tried to jump over that rail but I just banged my knee.

2:Wow. Fail Pail

by barrycloudferguson March 15, 2010

4👍 3👎

K Fail

A K fail is when you play guildwars with someone, (who has been playing since beta) and he has no clue as to what he is doing. He doesn't know how to do the mission or bonus. He constantly runs to the front to commit suicide, double aggro's and uses the worst rez in the game. (rebirth) He also has fail heroes with fail builds.

K Fail is the new "noob".

Friend: Hey want to come do a mission with me?
You: As long as you don't pull a K Fail.

by Meng X Die November 2, 2010

5👍 3👎

Fail Watching

Fail watching,” unlike its brother only in rhyme whale watching, would be much more entertaining because you see someone fail much more often then you’d witness a whale leaping out from the sea in front of your ship.
It would be similar to people watching (which often leads to the act of Fail watching at some point) except one would only be waiting for someone else to mess up.
Failures noted while “Fail watching” should be subtle, not America’s Funniest Home Videos quality. None of this people falling down or getting hit crap because “Fail watching” frowns upon physical injury.
“Fail watchers” are let loose to make assumptions based on little to no evidence, creating characters out of the people around them in order to develop a more lasting “Fail watching story.”

As I sat in coldstone the other day, I couldn't help but make a mental note of the "Fail watching story" I would get from the easter bunny who forgot to hide her sneakers

by Chetnugget April 10, 2009

4👍 3👎