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Keyboard Gangster

All Video Game Nerds from 80s till 1999

All keyboard gangsters always on them online games trash talking and always winning

He is the keyboard gangster of mechworrier online

by ToniChong420 February 22, 2019

chocolate gangster

A derogatory term often used in Scotland in reference to an individual who talks the talk but melts at the first sign of trouble.

"Shut it ye chocolate gangster...cunt!"

by scottieg666 January 2, 2017

Anal Gangster

a member of the greatest squad of cod players ever assembled

Yo have you seen penetration by the anal gangsters? yea me neither, infrah wont finish the fucking tage

by meatyanker44 March 19, 2021

Gangster Jeffrey

The coolest dude around. Some say he has sold so much weed that he is now richer than andrew tate. Gangster Jeffrey has even more rizz tha giga chad.

I inspire to be like Gangster Jeffrey.

by Vape king 69 March 9, 2023

Gangster Position

Something that Andre Nickatina stand in his song "Converstaions with the Devil"

"Standing in the Gangster Position. Chit, my name is Nikky, but you can call me Dre."

by Sparky283 April 22, 2010

gangster fusion

The words you say when you and your friend have the perfect dap when leaving. The tension between both hands is legendary, giving gangster fusion.

Jonathan: *perfectly daps up friend* Friend: *stares immensely, smirks* "gangster fusion baby"

by aztrq April 10, 2022

iPhone Gangster

A white (can be black) kid who was raised or being raised by a middle class family and thinks they're tough shit.
They talk about doing drugs and fighting when they are, in reality, too scared to even come close to that.

"That kid isn't shit he's just an iphone gangster." -someone who actually IS tough shit.

by Cummissioenr2am January 6, 2018