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tubbo moment

a tubbo moment is when a you say, do or respond in a peculiar manner not commonly associated with how one should respond to a situation.

"ok everyone, ignore that, that was a tubbo moment, one second"

by coreine_crow March 21, 2022

Ash moment

That moment when someone DC's from a voice channel and reconnects.

*Joins Discord channel*
*Disconnects while speaking*
Now THAT was an Ash moment!

by MasterR3C0RD March 30, 2021

fei moment

When someone, typically named fei acts or behaves in a way that makes no sense to the context of the conversation.

"Did you see what fei said yesterday? What was that all about?"
"Oh yeah she was just having a fei moment."

by pseudonymssss23 April 7, 2022

Pog Moment

That moment when your really good in a game, and you start screaming.

You score an overtime goal in Rocket League in the tournament finals. POG MOMENT!

by Epicbird August 17, 2021

Messi Moment

An unbelievable moment of pure skill on a football pitch, so much so that it only happens once in a lifetime.

My Messi Moment was when I scored a 360 degree bicycle kick from the halfway line and it went top corner

by FatScholes April 21, 2016

Joey Moment

The moment when someone is flabergasted by a situation.

I had a Joey Moment when I saw the clown stop for gas.

by pkurfess June 16, 2009

Ferrari Moment

A moment in your relationship when it's moving too fast for everyone else, but it's just the right pace for you and your life partner.

Roro: Hey, should our parents meet on the second date?
Rari: Babe... Talk about Ferrari Moment!

by Roro8787 June 7, 2020