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berners cookies

A weed,marijuana or bud strian made by a famous rapper

have you smoked berners cookies yet ,it got me high as fuck

by High times April 20, 2017

cookie overdose

The act of consuming a large quantity of cookies, such as Oreos, in disregard to serving sizes. Usually results in stomach pain and extreme joy or happiness.

Jamie went to a party over the summer, and saw some rad cookies. The whole ride home, she regretted the cookie overdose.

by Mrug July 5, 2015

Urban Cookie

The collective name for illegal pills which you might take in a night club.

I got fucked up on urban cookies.

by ghurt45 September 26, 2009

Cookie Line

A line that is not worth waiting in.

Hey look at that place, it looks really popular based on the length of the line.
That's a cookie line, I went there yesterday and the food is overrated.

by Roaken January 28, 2011

giant cookie

The act of building a circular bdsm cage out of wood, wire, and plastic. Then your sub gets in, and rubs whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and fruit on themselves until you can't take it anymore! Then, you pull him or her out, and lick it off until you both cum! It's not discipline: it's play!

It's Friday night and our plans got canceled! Wanna play giant cookie? I'll build! You get in!

by streetcream April 25, 2021

Cookie List

The distribution list that you send an email to in the office when it's your birthday and you have left cookies by the coffee machine.

Maggie "Hi everyone, It's my brithday today, 21 again! To celebrate, please help yourselves to cookies by the coffee machine!"

Debbie "Oh damn it, I'm working from home today and I'm still on the cookie list!"

by Rhym3 August 14, 2009

cookies and creaming

When you cookies and cream yourself you are sexually pleased but also very afraid so you simultaneously jizz and shit your pants at the same time

Oh my god Brenda is wearing those booty shorts and carrying a strap-on, man I think I think I am cookies and creaming

by Armincreamedhispants September 26, 2015