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Mass-Conscientiousness is an ideal and phrase created and authored October 15, 2011 by Tirzah Michele Fujii. It is defined by Tirzah Michele Fujii, as the idea that mankind is evolving towards a state of truth, virtue, and conscientiousness on a mass scale of consciousness. This ideology and phrase based on love and compassion, is that mass consciousness is in the process of evolving to or, becoming "Mass-Conscientiousness". Also, the slogan and phrase promotes caring for other people, plants, animals, and the earth as we care for ourselves. This idea provides that each individual reacts collectively in one's intentions and actions. One will protect the interest of the whole society, and sacrifice itself, as long as it does not endanger or harm one's individual self in the process. "Mass-Conscientiousness" is in contrast to the animal survivalist drive and impulse to sacrifice others for our own personal gain: economically,spiritually,physically,and commercially, by exploiting or sacrificing another individual's well-being at some level. The ideology, that n order for a governmental and societal system to have integrity and for it to be able to last, it must be built upon the principles of a virtuous conscience, rather than deceit and exploitation.


1) Choosing not to charge very high interest on a loan, even if you can due to not wanting to cripple someone financially for your own gain.

2) Choosing not to talk about someone behind their back when they are defenseless

3) Eating vegetables and a vegetable protein-based instead of limiting or abstaining from the consumption of animals who were murdered for your meal

4) Not exploiting someone's ignorance for financial gain. As in, lying to a girl who knows nothing about her car in order to overcharge her for services he/she does not need

5) Choosing a different form of energy that does not ruin the lives of millions of people and the planet earth. Placing the life force and well-being of others over for financial and personal gain.

6) Enjoying the success of others, rather than hating them for it.

7) Going out of your way to help someone if you are able, even if it is an inconvenience to yourself.

8) Not stealing the identity, ideas, projects, or intellectual property of another(especially under the guise of trust) and making it your own when it did not originate from yourself, for some kind of personal gain at the expense of the original creator.

by Tirzah Sunshine October 17, 2011


1-When a big group /mass of people try and move in one way

2-When your taking a big long shit is also a mass maurader

3- When you mass text as in send multiple txt to a single individual

1.Let's just "MASS MAURADERS"
the party
2.Dude i just took the biggest "MASS MAURADERS"
3. Dude she didnt message me back ...."MASS MAURADERS"
the bitch

by china B December 12, 2010

by mass

by mass : when one of ur friend say or do something gay. U yell MASS and hit him and the shoulder.

by mass: you're friend says something gay

by malex dream dream November 6, 2018

Mass Formation Psychosis

Mass Formation Psychosis is when rightist traitors who didn’t know Trump LOST the election and blindly believe there is mass voter fraud based on fear without any evidence, while putting their feelings above facts and emotion above patriotism.

Toothless Ted thinks there is mass voter fraud when there is no evidence and all voter frauds found so far were all Republican righties- sounds like he is living in fear, has delusion and Mass Formation Psychosis. Law and order. Justice is coming- Trump for prison 2024. Cry more and keep being triggered by facts- Biden won, Trump LOST, BIDEN IS YOUR PRESIDENT.

by Trump Is A Sexual Abuser March 12, 2024

1👍 1👎

mass conspiratorial suicide

when a large group joins together to cause problems to another or a group of others with or with out comprehension of their own actions completely to get themselves killed and they are successful at it.

the majority of the citizens of the United States of America are attempting mass conspiratorial suicide.

by Kevinw05 August 23, 2022

Heat and Mass Transfer

An extremely nerdy euphemism for masturbation. Used mostly by engineering students.

Student #1: "Hey man what are your plans for tonight."
Student #2: "Nothing much. Just gonna study and then some quick Heat and Mass Transfer. Same as always."

by arachnidred August 11, 2011

The blue amorphous mass

A nasty ass sticky tarp in the back room that everyone hates

Ew I just stepped on the blue amorphous mass

Your shoes gonna be real fucken sticky

by seen by the Jew March 16, 2019