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Glade Morgan

Glade Morgan tends to be the most interesting guy in the room at all times, heโ€™s got steeze, amazing creative talents, very nice genetics, and a heart of gold. Thatโ€™s just scratching the surface of this gem, this particular specimen has an impeccable personality and deserves to be happy always and forever. Also quite gifted down yander. Can sometimes become slightly irritated if youโ€™re careless with words due to their high intelligence. Overall Glade Morgan is a rad ass pimp daddy senpai.

The first time I saw Glade Morgan I had an anxiety attack because he caught me staring at him.

by Frankstie June 6, 2018

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Morgan akasaka


Matthew: โ€œ hits a flick in valorantโ€
Morgan Akasaka: respectttt

by Matteee January 21, 2022

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Charles morgan

He is the most loyal man! And when you are lucky enough to be around him he will change your life!

Charles Morgan is loyal and hard sexy if you get him you r important

by Jmp1990 September 30, 2021

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morgan time

Basically a made up story about what you have been doing for the past 8 hours .usually told to the boss or the wife about how hard youโ€™ve been working while hiding the fact that your tools have no scratches or finger prints on them.its a hole space where everything slows down except for the work clock . There is approximately 18.6 work minutes in a Morgan minute

Whats he been doing all day no work is done?
Heโ€™s been working on Morgan time .
Isnโ€™t lunch only a half hour?

His clock runs on Morgan time

by Shupe May 7, 2019

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the captain morgan

having sex with a female while she is on the rag and pulling it out and wiping it on her lip and chin.

by ando July 24, 2003

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Piers Morgan

A dude that just speaks facts - snowflakes get offended by him.

Guy: "did you hear what Piers Morgan said the other day about fat people, its hilarious"
Snowflake: "ShUt Up YoU FasCIst PiG"

by Snowflakemelter April 30, 2020

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morgan landers

the perfect girl! shes tall and an athlete and beautiful and the most amazing girl you could ever meet:)

is that morgan landers? yeah man. damn shes gorgeous!!!

by hahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaha May 23, 2011

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