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November 12th

National kick your tallest friend in the nuts day.This is a day where you have to go up to your tallest friend and kick them in the nuts.

“Hey bro it’s November 12th National kick your tallest friend in the nuts day”
“Alright go for it

by シXehn November 6, 2019

16👍 2👎

November 1st

Share food day

everyone has to give you a pice of their food

It is November 1st

Yea here is my chips

by ...SOMEONE_A May 20, 2020

15👍 2👎

November 6

November 6 is National give head day, it’s also a free pass to NNN. So go crazy and enjoy the day to the fullest.

Boy: Why is she giving you head bro, you’re going to lose NNN

mastermind69: Bro, it’s November 6 so go find a girl and enjoy the rest of your day.

Boy: Baby, it’s November 6.... that means it’s National head day and I have a free pass.

Girlfriend: Anything to make this free pass worth it honey.

by Themastermind69 November 6, 2019

16👍 2👎

November 17th

National free nut day, so get to it boys

Person 1: Hey today is November 17th
Person 2: Yeah, And?
Person 1: Let's go jack-off!
Person 2: YEAH

by Uwudisease October 26, 2019

15👍 2👎

November 30th

They best day that's not a holiday

Yes! it's November 30th!

by bruhhbruhhhbruhhhh October 18, 2019

16👍 2👎

november 30th

celebrate beating no nut november, by participating in national fuck a teacher day

“aye you heard about november 30th?”

“yea bro it’s national fuck a teacher day, i’m bouta fuck ms. green lmao”


by faggot demon bitch November 8, 2019

15👍 4👎

November 28th

The day of the national Taco Rave.

Guy 1: "Dude! It's November 28th, do you know what that means?"
Guy 2: "Holy crap, it's national Taco Rave day!"

by NegaducksHot October 21, 2019

37👍 8👎