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Buddy Blocking

Like "cock blocking" but instead, it's a friend that, for whatever reason keeps the other two friends of a three friend group from becoming close.

*3 friends get into fight, 2 have been hanging out*
Best friend #1: "Why didn't we become bestfriends before now?"
Best friend #2: "I think (insert friends name) has been buddy blocking us!!"
Friend: "Oopsie." ๐Ÿ˜ณ

by big butt big personality February 9, 2015

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brock blocking

Any point in the series pokemon where brock is dragged or pulled away from flirting with a girl

brock: nurse joy!!! please heal my pokemon, along with with my heart!!!

misty: not today loverboy

brock: owowowowow!!!!!!</3

pikachu: pika-pi -(why is she brock blocking him again?)

ash:you said it pikachu

by alphapedestrian May 28, 2011

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Blunt Blocked

When someone is in the act of rolling a blunt/joint and is about to lick it finished, but is then interrupted by a person causing them to hide "it" thus being Blunt Blocked....

Guy 1: I was in my room rolling a "J" and I was almost done until my bro just walks in, I had to hide it...
Guy 2: Hahah dam dude you were totally Blunt Blocked!

by TheBluntSquad April 30, 2011

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The action of unblocking someone and blocking them again on AIM in order to see if they're online. This is about the equivalent of knocking on someone's door to see if they're home, then your nerves collapse and you run the fuck away before they see you. Usually occurs after a terrible conversation, which ends up with one person blocking the other. Of course, this just makes the person they blocked attractive, so they make frequent spot checks to see if you're online.

paranoia bacon: i am so freaking awesome
rosesnguns17: what happened?
paranoia bacon: i just bitched out this hot-ass emo chick, and now she's block-checking me.
rosesnguns17: just make sure you videotape it :):):)

by ObeyZod September 16, 2005

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v. when a family member or house mate sees you plan to use the washer, and throws their load in before you can.

ex: Mary is in her room sorting through dirty clothes and forming a pile of things to be washed, meanwhile, Lynnette sees this and puts her laundry in first. Mary finishes sorting her laundry and is furious to find out that she has been sock-blocked.

Mary: WTF
Lynnette: Sorry, I just happened to have to do my laundry...
Mary: But you knew that I have to wash my clothes before my trip tomorrow!
Lynnette: Oops!

by countrygal12 July 8, 2009

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ice blocking

Riding down a huge hill, grass preferably, on a large block of ice.

Ice blocking last night at Gabriel Park was so much fun, except my bum hurts this morning from all those crashes.

by April July 9, 2004

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Bukkake Block

When one girl proceeds to cock block multiple guys at the same time.

Cher (at live concert): How many women out here ever been hurt by their man?

women: (all cheers)

men: all cock blocked by one bitch, whence a bukkake block.

by brian pm March 27, 2008

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