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Poon Pocket

i vaginal pocket that conveniently stores sexual materials such as condoms, lube, vibrators and at times, one's cell phone. The poon pocket is most commonly found on loose hos

"After resorting to the bushes outside the club for some crazy club sex, Shanikwa remembered she needed protection which she acquired from her purse-sized poon pocket"

by CockBlocker September 19, 2004

17👍 22👎


When a friend or co-worker gets engaged, married or has a new girlfriend and you enter the "Poon-Fog". Where you forget everything you once knew for a period of time.
Learning becomes impossible.


You can't think straight or get anything right! jeez!

by Homer-Buda August 10, 2018

Poon Fight

When two or more trashy women fight each other (typically shown on the Jerry Springer show or on other talk shows)

That poon fight was awesome.

by Papa McNasty April 28, 2023

poon punisher

A person who is the master of pussy

My girlfriend told me I was her lifetime poon punisher

by Superchill38 December 30, 2016


An intimate excuse.

"I really wanted to go to dinner lastnight, but I got all poon-tangled. "

by poon doc January 25, 2014

Necro poon

Dead pussy

Guy: I'm into that Fresh Poon from the club

Friend: Nah man, let's just hit the cemetery and check out some Necro Poon.

by TheBigHandle September 11, 2018

Fresh poon

New girls what is alive and kicking

Friend: Dude let's hit the cemetery and check out some Necro Poon.

Guy: Nah man, I love that Fresh Poon ennit.

by TheBigHandle September 10, 2018