Tossing the salad of a person recently testing positive for covid-19. If 14 days pass and you don't have a fever, you win.
After learning Brad tested positive for Covid-19, Anjolina played coronus roulette. It's been 2 weeks since and she won!
Get into a group, each person taps on a Chihuahua (or another small but aggressive dog) until it bites you, person whom it bites looses. Repeat until one person remains.
Chad: Yo, dude howd u loose your finger?
Frank: I lost in Chihuahua Roulette
The adults only game were you film homemade porn with your partner. You quickly flick through your contacts on Whatsapp until someone say stop. Where it lands determines which lucky recipient gets sent the video and pics.
Kym: "Fancy playing Whatsapp roulette with this facial video?"
Ali: "Just make sure it doesn't get sent to my grandmother this time"
Kym: "Spin those wheels, Daddy"
An order of mild chicken wings with one suicide wing.
"Last night we ordered up some Russian Roulette wings. I wound up taking the bullet and my mouth is still numb."
Pulling up to a gas station with a kiddie pool and filling it with gas. Then, you sit inside of it, and you all light cigarettes and smoke.
I got some darts and mom's credit card, wanna play redneck roulette?
Its basically just the russian version of tag, the kids play it all the time, especially while sipping their vodka juice boxes, and petting their pet polar bear, ye know the usual
unlike tag instead of getting ppl with their hands they use this toy thing called a revolver, and instead of chasing each other and tagging them they take the revolver, put this harmless thing called a bullet, and only 1 btw, then while pointing at themselves, or others, they spin the wheel inside to "decide" the fate of the one the gun err "toy" is pointing at and then they pull the trigger, anyway what happens next isnt important, all in all its a fun russian game especially for kids and only 1 in 6 people have died in the process, not a very big deal
Russian Dude: Hey kids, wanna play russian roulette? i have revolver toy only 1/6 death
Russian: gun? ah no that toy, this is gun
*pulls out minigun*
American: bro what happened to the revolver
1. (n) a game, played with a revolver in which a group of people pass a gun loaded with one bullet, in which they put it to their temple and shoot. the unlucky person who receives the bullet is the loser.
1. "I heard gary died lost last nights russian roulette."
"hey, he took the chance and played the game."