"See my Lil homie he with the shits he gone spin and spin he dont care, he just drink about it..."
Trapboy Freddy Rubber Bands
To spin the block in an attempt to air out a target and eliminate then with lethal force and bullets...lots and lots of bullets 🔫 😡
Sweetboys declared war we gotta spin 🔫
To spin the targets block and air them out with lethal force and bullets...lots and lots of bullets
Sweet boys declared war we gotta spin 🔫
When to see the smoke in the glass spin like clouds around the globe.
To spin is to turn 360°. It's not flying, but it's a good trick.
Anakin Skywalker: I'll try spinning, that's a good trick! (Episode I)
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin, you're crazy. Spinning is NOT flying.
Anakin Skywalker: But it's a good trick!
(The Clone Wars: SE1EP4)
Mixing tobacco with weed is called spin because it gives you head spins
“Man that spin gave me head spins”
a SPecial INterest = SPIN
used by only the cute and cunty
"why do you talk so much about psychology?" "It's my SPIN!"