The last hit in a bowl of weed
“The bowl’s almost cashed, do you want nasty lasty?”
o shit you kno cait? give that chick some henny watch sick nasty come out.
dope a$$ chick does whatever tf she wants when drUNK
caitlin? yea that chick is sick nasty bro.. she dont give a fuq
Sick nasty is the verbal way of giving five thumbs up and a nice friendly slap on the ass.
BRUH your NIke SB shoes are fucking sick nasty.
A group of weabos who are obsessed with anime and hentai who are often lead by a black lesbian
Oh no here come the nasty nekos
A term used to define a man that is nasty in the bedroom.
Woman: You can't handle all of this
Man: Girl they call me Dr Nasty
Further advanced sexual technique where the male in either a hetro or homosexual pairing, piss fucks the recipient up the ass, throws up into his hand and then rubs the sick into the recipients face.
It gives the experience of a night out at bad seafood restaurant without having to spend any money.
Dave: "Shall we go to the new seafood restaurant on the shore?"
Matt:"Nah, we can just cut to the chase with a quick Nasty Oyster"