Source Code

Chomp At The Bit

Eat Shit

I am gonna make that fucker Chomp At The Bit!

by Motleys November 17, 2003

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bit of a rough time

A period of time in one's life categorized by extreme unhappiness, low self-esteem, and failure. The person experiencing it remains optimistic and refuses to acknowledge that their life lucks, even as they continue to fail and lose their sanity.

"Why are you sobbing hysterically and laughing as you stare straight ahead?"
"Yeah, I guess I'm just having a bit of a rough time."

by imtheproblem August 16, 2023

Someone's a bit triggered

When you have no real comeback and you are the one triggered but you switch the blame

Jonathan: Destiny is stupid
Jonathan: Jacob shut up

Jacob: Someone's a bit triggered

by Waffleporn123 November 1, 2016

A little bit of love

When someone puts a little bit more weed into your bowl,pinch, or bong so that you get more weed.

Man, let me get you a little bit of love

by Az stoner June 21, 2020

it's a bit pitchy, dog

A "nice" way a saying you're a bad singer

Your voice it's a bit pitchy, dog"

by Mike808 February 15, 2014

load my bit

to add breesh (money) or funds to ones bitcoin account !

yo Brody you trinna load my bit ? Wassup ?

by Jayy Dinero January 30, 2019

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8-bit ryan

A British YouTuber who plays multiple different video games such as horror, survival, etc.

Person 1: Have you seen 8-Bit Ryan's latest video?
Person 2: Who is he? Come watch Spongebob instead.

by 87Oscar87 October 24, 2017

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