Also know as advert is an annoying product, website or app that will appear when you are using a website or app. Known for its annoying time of appearance and can really test your patience
Damn it I hate these blumming ads
AD show is Bock ahi
AD’s passion is girls and gym
He loves partying and go to strip club with his boy Brian yessir
An abbreviated was a saying “a damn”
Person 1: Did you see your ex got a new man
Person 2: i don’t give “ad”
Person 1: oh wow you really don’t give ad
Short for addict; drug addict
Can be pronounced either as the letters a and d or just ad
That nigga an ad
Or for white people: buddy’s an ad
AD refers to alcoholism and depression. Some people have one or the other, but in more severe cases some people may have both.
In the case of such an event the proper way to refer to the condition is AD or “the good ole AD combo”
“Bro, did you hear about what Chad did last night?”
“No, what happened?”
“He was drunk af and got kicked out of the bar for asking the bouncer for cocaine. then said he was going to wrap him and his car around a tree”
“Fuck, sounds like he has a pretty bad case of the good ole AD”
An erotic pop-up image that is seen when entering an alien website
Person 1: Ooooh, what is that?
Person 2: An ad...