Source Code

the touch

if someone is really hot (attractive), similar to like butter

she is so hot man.. she's the touch!

damn straight, he's got the touch

by swedishdave September 2, 2005

1๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nipple Touch

A move with a cross between two moves, done much like the pounding of fists like giving someone some dog, and the second of like a chest slam. When two girls arch their backs and touch boobs in an action much like that, Whilst screaming in a half sarcastic half valley girl accent "NIPPLE TOUCH!" A BFF Move between two girls.

Ashley: I got us tickets to that show you were so excited about!
Kaleigh: No way!?!


by getwiththefuture April 7, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

tip touching

When two males get the head of their penis's and rub them together intill they cum!

"Get your penis out and touch me up with the head daddy!"- tip touching

by The erectile master September 13, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

cheb touch

A game played at concerts, where one positions one's self, to be touched by the girl behind you's wordchebs/word. See also wordknob touch/word

"I played cheb touch with some girl all the way through that concert."
"Dude, she's a munt"
"Doesn't matter, thats the beauty of cheb touch. She had nice chebs, and that was the end of our relationship."

by Duffman September 28, 2003

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Knuckle Touch

A touch of the knuckles to smooth something really douchy that you've done.

Friend #1: (Hits his friend really hard)
Friend #2: What the fuck man.
Friend #1: That was for earlier, knuckle touch?
Friend #2: (Touches knuckle) Yeah, its all good.

by The Jock 17 January 19, 2011

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I'll be in touch

Used at the end of a date (particularly prevalent in internet dating circles)

"I'm not into you, you will never see me again, forget me and make other plans"

"Great to meet you. I'll be in touch"

by Fi in the uk October 15, 2007

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Touch Tip

Similar to "touch base" but with two gay dudes.

Gay dude: I haven't seen Jim in a while, maybe I should touch tip with him.

by Reeeeeeeeze December 29, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž