It's the custy nasty crust the come off of a blue waffle. (search google images for best result of blue waffle)
Courtney Jones just licked a waffle drop off the sidewalk
An ignorant person who also happens to be obnoxiously lazy who makes up words and continue to use them throughout a conversation. Also there hair is similar to that of a ducks
My friend is such a waffle quack he won't even go to the other side of the room to plug in his phone
Too much and unimportant details
Your statement/letter is too full of jargon and waffle, and includes paragraphs on irrelevant points
The shitting of your pants where the shit feels and looks like waffle batter.
Man i was so sick i had a bad case of waffle pants.
When two waffles low each other very much and create a baby. Can be used as a random phrase.
"Sexual Waffles," the guy on the bus screamed.
When one places their dookie in a urinal and stomps it into the urinal cake using their foot in order to make said dookie resemble that of a waffle.
Meanwhile at their local Denny’s, Tobey and Alfred were in the bathroom prepping urinal waffles to accompany their breakfast potatoes