Source Code

go gold admin plz

A sentence by a player asking an admin which is probably not seeing his message, to drop a "Gold Box" in the game Tanki Online

"go gold admin plz"

by kleins? February 21, 2022

still going to send it

Basically a fail. And send it dude.

Are you guys silly? I'm still going to send it.

by Britt_Nasty August 11, 2017

pokemon go

the mobile game were people have been murdered by trains, shot and just go crazy for those pokemon

jimbob: hey lets play pokemon go
bobjim: ok lets go!
(2 hours later...)
vicar guy: we are here to remember bobjim, who died cos some asshole killed him during a catch of a ditto, rest in peace, bobjim, rest in peace...

by thisisaguywhoisdeadinside December 5, 2016

Pokemon go

A game were you basically pay to get hacked

You just got pokemon goed bro

by Poison53 January 25, 2018

pokemon go

pokemon go is a dngerous game from the origin of pokemon to mortal disasters

pokemon go player: *walking on the street finding for pokemon, walking slowly*
person: OMG LOOK OUT!
pokemon go player: *is ok*
cars: *crashing to theirselves making a disaster*

by luprusz November 11, 2016

Pokemon GO

A video game that everyone pretends to hate on, but secretly everyone plays it behind the safety of their closet doors.

Person 1: Hey! Are you playing Pokemon GO right now? It's literally 2021!

Person 2: No! It's not what it looks like, I was just taking n*des!

by nbaMichaelJackson May 28, 2021

Pokémon GO

The idea of the game was to catch Pokémon as you do, but do it in the lovely world of the outdoors and still be in the virtual world at the same time, yet obesity rates have skyrocketed substantially since 2016 in the west.

You can't just lose weight and get fitter by walking about and playing Pokémon GO alone. You need to limit your calorie intake and consume calories from healthy sources of protein, carbs and healthy fats rather than eating like a stray dog by guzzling shit tons of empty calories after your walk.

by Eddie the Head June 2, 2022