To be able to climb upward toward success in everything you do from social status, career, relationships, and materialistic lifestyle just by being yourself, beautiful inside and out, and never having bad intentions toward anything. Everything just falls into your lap.
She made getting the promotion at work look so simple, it's like she was pulling a Christy Lee without even trying.
Sneaking up on behind someone.
Don’t be pulling a Q on my ass.
Someone that always waits until the day of eviction court to pay their rent.
She is heading to court now to Pull a Yamamoto.
The act of leaning on your chair that results in you falling on your ass.
Pulling a Mr steve: I almost pulled a Mr steve in my office chair but i managed to catch myself.
Keep your friends waiting for you in vain. A friend promising to meet at a certain time and after many hours being late canceling in a lame text message.
Person 1: Let's all meet at 12 pm for lunch
Person 2: Sounds great see you in a bit.
Many hours after 12 pm
Person 1: Sorry i could not make it , but I love you guys.
Person 2: Dude that is so lame, you are pulling a Forrest on us. Not cool!
stringing a boy along for emotional support without committing while the boy is hopelessly in love with her
Dalida is pulling an Eve with Adam and it's so obvious
Pulled a Billie: Went to a girls house for the first time, typically a one night stand. When you arrive you bring in your bags and suitcase. The women believe you are only staying one night but you move in temporarily until they decide to tell you it’s time to go. Can be used for travelling to a new city or country with no accommodations booked.
Guy 1: Bro Curtis Pulled a Billie for two weeks straight!
Guy 2: No way man I saw that chick she was beat, he must be desperate to save money haha.
Guy 1: I’m going on vacation do you have any recommendations on where to stay?
Guy 2: Man you should just “Pull a Billie” you’ll get free accommodations and pussy!