Source Code

korean merry-go-round

The gathering of men (usually around 6 or more) where one individual is laid face down, double cheek up, on the ground pants-less. Another man inserts his penis into the anus of the prone man and then is spun around like a merry-go-round, using his penis as the fulcrum.

The spin cycle doesn't complete until all men of ejaculated.

Safewords are casually used as the spinning man will be in immense penile pain..

Hey dudes, wanna go out back and have ourselves an old fashioned korean merry-go-round?

by SlightRacism April 7, 2020

round boi

An “affectionate” term for SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus. So named because of its round shape.

I can’t go out; I am plagued by the round boi.

by ttdi July 9, 2024

Round of applause

When a girl is clapped (ugly) but also very large

That girl is like a round of applause

by R he yvtb February 8, 2021

Round of applause

A person who is beyond clapped

Wow he’s really clapped

No man he’s a round of applause

by Bestie thunder123 November 1, 2021

Round Of Applause

When you give the clap to a bunch of people

Amber gave the crew a Round Of Applause when she ran through

by OdinSoundTV July 2, 2023

Wrapped round the axle

The state one finds oneself in after a prolonged bender or an extended state of inebriation. Can also describe the act of becoming intoxicated, inebriated, high, turnt, tanked, or wrecked, especially after a period of abstinence or sobriety. Used similarly to the phrase "Three sheets to the wind". It denotes that one hasn't just fallen off "the wagon", but has in fact gone under the wheels and subsequently wrapped round the axle.

Hey Jack, I thought you were off the sauce? Looks like you've been getting wrapped round the axle again.

Man, I must have blacked out last night, I haven't haven't gotten that fucked up since last mardi gras, I really got wrapped around the axle *vomit*

Yo, Mark, wanna come by for Forties and blunts? Fuckin A we're getting wrapped round the axle tonight boooooi

I'm higher than Cooter Brown, two more hits and I'ma be axle wrapped.

by Haluci-N8 November 21, 2019

The "Rowdy Round"by Matthew

This is when you're getting beat up really bad in the Matthew stops while you're on the ground and Spins you by your feet and hit you in the face as you spend by him over and over again moving your hands away from your face punch punch punch

Man I can't believe he spun like a top . Such a puss ... He so got The "Rowdy round"by Matthew...! Well shoot, thats what happens when you mess with a Matthew...!!

by Jack's tiny Sparrow January 28, 2019