Source Code

Ohio Trash Burrito

When 4 guys go to a restaurant dumpster and randomly scoop out old food and place it in a burrito wrap. The men then masterbate over top of the burrito and the last person to cum on it must then eat the burrito while attempting to finish masterbating

Bobby had a premium 8 oz Ohio Trash Burrito last night and puked on his balls

by BC2806 March 14, 2019

hot cheeto burrito

When a guy says his dick burns

My penis burns

Oh you probably have a hot Cheeto burrito because of that female last night bro

by noveron August 24, 2017

Microwave Burrito Relationship

A relatively quick relationship of 4 months or less where no true sustenance or knowledge has been gained from said encounters.

Dude 1: Hey man! What happened to you and Laura?
Dude 2: I got bored of her. Not worth. It was a total Microwave Burrito Relationship.

by itiod October 6, 2020

One Handed Burrito

Receiving a hand job from a taco bell employee

I went to taco bell and order the one handed burrito

by JDC171 August 20, 2016

the microwave burrito effect

That feeling you have when bicycling in cold weather. Sweaty on the outside, yet somehow still cold on the inside.

The microwave burrito effect occurs when you ride up a big hill on a cold day and you want to take off your jacket because it's sweaty and sticking to you but you are still cold enough to keep it on.

by emilysmith2000 November 14, 2013

Latino butt burrito

When you have Mexican for dinner then when you are having sloppy anal sex you cum inside her. After you grab a tortilla and slap her and wipe her ass clean then eat the burrito.

I went out with Marie and she let me eat a Latino butt burrito.

by Pooh33 December 18, 2022

2👍 2👎

Full Burrito Mode

Wrapping yourself in a burrito blanket as if you are a warm, toasty burrito from Zambrero resulting in the ultimate fusion of comfort and culinary delight.

Want to hang out today?
Sorry, a new season of Succession has just dropped and I'm going full burrito mode.

by GreenBurritoBandit July 17, 2023