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small penis syndrome

or buying a ferrari..

by Anonymous August 11, 2003

167๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž

Small Dick Disorder

A penis that is grotesquely small - it ANNOYS the shit out of women - a woman might as well use a damn dildo or vibrator -

Lindzee Divine was in horror when her partner showed her his small dick disorder - it ANNOYED the hell out of her - so she pulled her 8" dildo out and satisfied herself! NO Q TIP DICK FOR HER!!!!!!

by Cougar Sport Killer February 19, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

comically small spoon

tea spoon

person 1: you want a comically small spoon?
person 2: you mean a tea spoon?
person 1: alot funnier if you didnt explain it

by thatonememe21 November 25, 2020

small hot black

A common coffee order

You: hey can I get a small coffee

Barista: with milk?
You: no, black please
Barista: hot or iced
You: hot
Barista: No problem. One small hot black coming right up

by OGboii onthaCUFF December 8, 2020

Small Penis Club

Sorry Bro, you can't see this because of yourChonky pp

Some dude with a small penis: sorry dude you can't enter the small penis club
You: oof

by StokkeDaddy June 10, 2020

dominic the small dwarf

a dwarf thats cries randomly and gets someone to eat him at night to cry randomly.

dominic the small dwarf is so small he cries randomly.

by Better Player March 26, 2019

Small peepee gang

If your reading this you have small peepee meme made by smol peepee geng

You have little peen and are part of Small peepee gang

by Boogieman53553 November 15, 2019