Aiden is a keeper. He’s always selfless and kind to those around him. He’s smart and hard working. Aidens are also ridiculously attractive and handsome.
Aiden is so amazing!
the most cutest person you’ll ever meet. he’s always there for you, no matter what. He’s always the bigger person in situations, he always realizes his wrongs and apologizes. he’s so sweet in many ways, the most precious thing about aiden, is his heart. he has such a kind heart that is what brings attention to the table. he’s just the best person to have ever. i love you aiden. - em
i love aiden
A very large stomached individual that has a particular interest in men and children alike
Person 1: This man keeps trying to get into my house to see my daughter
Person 2: Oh that must be Aiden
He smells like off cat food and is very small and not that smart, this is Aiden
A guy with blond or dirty blond hair, into hardcore hes been with a girl that plays sofyball
Aiden has really cute hair ands ugly in mullets
a really cool guy who will always give you snacks but one downside is that he's fat
the most big nosed bitch i know . he takes up all my air when im near him, he is ugly and a piece of shit. he is a homie hopper and he sniffs up everything he sees his nose is shape of a penis , he's short and a double homie hopper. you can see him from a mile away because of his nose and bushy hair, and lastly he should jump off a bridge
"woah aiden has such a big nose!!"