Elmo blow is a rare form of cocaine that has been dyed a deep red color, leading go some users to call it elmo coke or elmo blow or sometimes also elmo snow blow. Elmo blow is typically only sold around holidays and costs significantly more than regular cocaine.
Steve: I got elmo blow in my nose bro
Justin: Elmo snow blow make you geeked
The act of receiving a blow job against ones will. This can happen when the recipient a.k.a the blowee is very intoxicated and unable to escape the mouth of the blower. See porched
Did you see that force blow? Bob was too drunk to escape that nasty girl!
To flip out when something not so terrible has happened
To get angry over nothing; but also
To get angry over something worth getting angry about
To shout loudly and incessantly - 'blowing up'
To become shitty and pissy
Blown up: What's left of someone after they have blown up then - tears
Janilla: "you just ruined my favourite shirt"
Brown: "Blow Up Then"
"You just knocked over the vodka"
"Blow Up Then"
giving your boyfriend (or girlfriend) a blowjob right before you break-up with them to ease the pain of the breakup
damn...i accidentally walked in on linzy cushioning the blow. jasen quickly told me to pls go
Where a mate blows your face on a hot day.
Hey dude could you give me a refreshing blow? Cheers mate
Sniffing cocaine on a erected penis and immediately start a blow job.
I still had a bag of cocaine in my pocket and Sofia gave me the best white blow ever.
Blowing one's nose by blocking one nostril and exhaling quickly out of the other nostril, sending a loogie snot rocket out on the ground. Started in Wyoming by cowboys who didn't want to get their handkerchiefs all nasty with snot.
Dude, I just accidently did a Wyoming blow on someone's shoe. I've got to look back first before doing that.