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Gay cracker barrel

Cracker barrel is going gay, weve lost it.

Yk, maybe it is time for gay cracker barrel

by Skippytoilet June 25, 2024

Barrel buddies

This is a form of Barrel buddy , but not to be mistaken as more than one person. Also to allow multiple envisions for the word to be correctly found I made this.

Look for the definition barrel buddy to find a better description

Josh: are you guys dating or not ?

Michael: Barrel buddies

Josh: OH MY GOD , okay, so she's still free?

by Urban development August 14, 2018

BTS Barrel Sex

The BTS Barrel Sex is where a male takes a female and ‘creampies’ them and than ejaculates on the females chest, 20 mc donalds nuggets are than brought to the bed and than one nugget is shoved in every end of the female, the male will proceed to creampie while you shove nuggets in her mouth until she is full, the remaining nuggets are than dipped in the cum on her chest and eaten by the female, after she has eaten the make than has to take all of the nuggets out of her and save them for supper. at supper you need to take your barrel and the make will receive a blowjob in the barrel while the eating nuggets. the task is not done until the barrel has been filled with internal fluids.

Hey Girl wanna preform BTS Barrel Sex

by Koooolllll kiddddd June 13, 2021

Fanny barrel/barreling

fanny ˈfænɪ
n pl -nies Slang

1. Brit the female genitals

2. Chiefly US and Canadian the buttocks

fanny barrel 'faeni ˈbarəl


Slang term for a lot of lesbians in one place which makes it easy for an attractive one to find more than one partner.

fanny barreling 'faeniˈbarəl/ing


To attend a lesbian activity with the purpose of finding a better choice of partner/or more than one.

Example uses for Fanny barrel/barreling: 'finding a woman in this place, is as easy as shooting fannies in a barrel'
'I am going fanny barrelling tonight'
'I am a fanny barreller'

by Chief Fannie Barreler August 12, 2013

Hot barrel

When a males Penis becomes raw or chaffed due to improper lubrication during sex or too much dry masterbation in a short period of time

Dude , my girlfriend gives the worst handjobs, I couldn’t get off and ended up getting a hot barrel

by KettleD November 29, 2017

The Y. Barrel

Verb. To be put in a so-called mental head rush and left to one's defenses; sometimes resulting in being Darwined ironically enough.

Did he just pass over the Barrel?

Oddly enough he did, although its easily achievable, you know what is going to happen right?

She is going to use "The Y. Barrel" to barrel him out of sleep.

by Cats are all gray now July 19, 2024

Double Barreling

The act of two sexual partners sitting on a single toilet with one sitting on the other, the top half shitting through the legs of the bottom while they themself drop dookage.

🅱️Ethan: “The poop! Its not coming out!!

Everyone: retard stfu stop double barreling ur boyfriend in the Taco bell restroom

by pringlenads May 1, 2022