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Goodfellow and co

A target underwear brand

Ayy i farted in my Goodfellow and co underwear

by ChickenChocker69 January 30, 2023


The grandchild-in-law of one's spouse's sibling.

My co-great-nibling-in-law is a good person.

by Elivaldeq November 24, 2019


Spouse's stepnibling's husband.

My step-co-nephew-in-law is a good person.

by Wonbig October 13, 2021


what you always put into a graphing calculator when you're bored. gives kinda underwhelming results.

i dont know what these "sin" "cos" and "tan" buttons do but they seem like cool math stuff so lemme put sin(cos(tan(x))) into my calculator

by < ^ > v March 30, 2023

nova cos

please give me your chongyun please

guy 1: hey dude, you heard nova cos pulled 10 kazuhas in a row?
guy 2: idc who even is that
(guy 1 and 2 start making out)

by cerisebruv July 5, 2021

Bepis-Co Detos Stacks

Bepis-Co off-brand doritos but with a stupid twist, that also rips off doritos stax from the UK.
They're stackable.
If you didn't know this already, please kindly, and respectfully go back to school.
They're also slightly more curved, round, and less pointy so your mouth doesn't fucking get stitched by the end of your serving. They're significantly less full of calories than its regular counterpart, and are alot light and crispier. Essentially, pringles, but you live in a different universe where Bepis-Co is a company that dominates the fast food and snack market so pringles doesn't exist or Bepis-Co sent the creator down to the boiler room of hell.
The flavors are the exact same as the regular detos and yes, this is a stupid way to make more money off of detos.

Try our crunchy new Bepis-Co Detos Stacks, its deliciou-
I have a gun.

by Bepis-Co January 26, 2023


Spouse's half-cousin's spouse.


by Simaduria July 27, 2024