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It'S nOt ConTrOl! I'm KeEpInG yOu FrOm HuRtInG yOuRsElF aNd OtHeR pEoPlE!

Hym "No... It's control... It's control. You're not doing it very well. Hey, I didn't say it had a giant phallus when it was chasing you around... Did I? Well then.... How did you know if I didn't say it? It's like someone saw it and told you about it...

by Hym Iam July 19, 2023


Something none of you will ever get over me. Stop trying, stay the fuck out of my life and none of you have any say in how I live my life or what I do. You're b.s. that you're trying to help is just that, b.s. You know damn well you're only making things worse. I better have my shit and car back real soon today. Literally, the only thing any of you are doing is killing me.

You might control them, but never me.

by Stiletto 42 March 29, 2021



Parent to Other Person: "I homeschool my kids."
Other Person to Parent: "Oh, you mean to say you wish to exert maximum control over every single facet of your offspring's youth?"
Parent: "Ya, that's actually fair to say."

by marutimaruti January 7, 2024

Sneeze Controller

The controller given to any player 2 by snotty teenagers, usually covered in snot, which dried along with the cheeto dust on it. You'd be very lucky if either of the sticks worked.

"Have you heard of William? He's a lovely guy"
"Yeah, but if he invites you round, bring your own controller"
"How come?"
"He's only got Sneeze Controllers"

by gently_QuacksQuacks June 18, 2023

man control

A fictional version of Birth Control a man can take to make his sperm inactive for the day.

Joe-Dude I gotta go to the store for some condoms
James-why don't you just pop some MAN CONTROL?

by 2savge4u October 12, 2017

soggy controller

Players gather around a controller and whi ever nuts last has to play with it for 8 hours.

I lost in soggy controller and the buttons were sticky!

by Shy Meme March 8, 2016

Internal locus of control

The problem with these types of people is that ignore the fact that there are 9 billion extrenal loci of control either working with or against you are all times.

Hym "Internal locus of control or no, it isn't incumbent on me to exist alongside a surveillance apparatus just so that you can feel better about the fact that there is nothing you can do to stop me from murdering your kids. You don't feel that you have to intervene, but you only have 2 options. I'm just not going to allow you to get away with it. I will punish non-intervention. Every day that passes makes the only recourse you have less effective. If you want to hold someone accountable, do it to the people who's job it is to do what you aren't willing to do. Otherwise, go fuck yourself retard. If you wait until you're on the other side of it, it will be to late. If you see what is happening to me, you will have just as much recourse as I do."

by Hym Iam June 13, 2024