Noun. A lowkey crush that's been consistent for years. You might be in other relationships or have overlying crushes on others but still maintain the background crush. You know you will never date your background crush but a voice in your head will always say "maybe." Usually some connection to childhood. You can marry a guy but still be like "I wonder how Dennis is doing".
"Wow, you and Dennis are so flirty. You should totally hook up with him!" "No, no, you can't just hook up with background crush. Imagine the emotional baggage"
A boy who's age falls right above the age of consent and just below the drinking age, but is desired by a woman in her mid-to-late twenties
Henry is only 18 years old, but his girlfriend Crystal is 25. She has a freshman crush on him
(n.) A huge blunt containing crystal meth and crack cocaine completely coated in PCP. Commonly used for groups of 10 or more.
"Yo pass me that crush stick."
"Jim crushed a crushstick to his face the other day, he fuckin died."
A special kind of crush on a literary figure, which values them for their wit/cleverness and general ability to impress
I have a crippling literary crush on Philip Roth
A "sixth sense" that most people have that can sense if someone is crushing on another one
"Hey John, my crush-radar says you're crushing on sarah"
A sweet, whole-hearted crush on an real-life person or character
Andy has such a puppy crush on Vanessa
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When you wear jeans and your fat hangs over(muffin top).Its just another name for it.Just like the danimals yogurt squeeze it at the bottom and yogurt squeezes out.Just like the body shape you get from muffin top.
man that girl be crush cupping