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Cultural Appropriation

When white people cash in on things invented by cultures that they normally make fun of. For example, hiring British white actors to play ancient Romans and The Mummy in the Mummy movie. They call the actual members of that race the "ghetto" Egyptians. Like not ALL Egyptians are ghetto (For example the British actors that play them). After they do that they start yelling at strangers on their TV news saying stuff like "Let me guess are they offended???" Even though they know they did it because they are white supremacists and would refuse to watch a movie with the actual race in it.

"The only reason Despacito made it on the white people radio stations is specifically and only because of Cultural Appropriation by a white guy."

by ThundaBabe August 8, 2019

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Cultural cross-pollination

Itโ€™s basically influence but go watch trash taste Episode 23

Man bro thatโ€™s some great cultural cross-pollination

by J_ust_some_guy November 14, 2020

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You got no culture

A way of insulting someone in a very extreme way.
Mentioned in the Simon and Garfunkel song "A Simple Desultory Philippic."

Someone-Yo, you stupid son
You-Shut up,you got no culture

by hummus the great December 11, 2010

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Cultural Enrichment Stick

The name an Islamic rapists penis.

Mohammed used his cultural enrichment stick to culturally enrich his European host

by Random Malice October 18, 2018

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Cultural Appropriation

Americaโ€™s Got Talentโ€™s rapper Patches.

Whatโ€™s a better example for cultural appropriation than Patches from Americaโ€™s Got Talent rapping about the suburbs?

by LGolightly July 22, 2018

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Man of culture

Used by Someone who is too full of themselves to admit that a hentai addiction is bad. People who use the term probably lack post nut clarity and live in their parentsโ€™ basement. Notice how I said โ€œused byโ€. People use it to just say someone watches/reads hentai.

Weeaboo: a fellow man of culture!

by A J1 Potomac steam locomotive October 20, 2022

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Cancel Culture

A nonsensical term mainly used by comedians who are worried that their material has become stale and are at the tale end of their carriers.

His new but on cancel culture seemed desperate.

by MrMacDonaldFarm October 13, 2021

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