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A kind, handsome person with a good sense of humor, generally a nice friend to have, extremely athletic.

Dock is so amazingly athletic

by The one and only cat January 29, 2018

Assisted docking

When you dock with another man, who happens to be a cripple. Requiring you to hold both your own and the other guy's danger noodle in order to touch tips

Connor got with a paraplegic guy and had to perform assisted docking when they touched tips

by Fallen Hussar February 22, 2023

Dock head

A term of endearment and a way of blagging it if your predictive text has spelt dick head wrong

Morning dock head

by Towertom781 March 28, 2021

Sloppy sock dock

Where you take an uncircumcised penis and a circumcised penis and put the two tips together then pull the skin of the uncircumcised penis over the top of the circumcised penis and ejaculate at the same time.

Jim over there likes to sloppy sock dock all of his friends

by LeapOfFaith69 July 30, 2016

Dick Dock

A disgusting application for braindead people that promotes dangerous and fake scam shit meant to mess with or waste peoples time most "videos" on there show people having seizures or doing stupid pointless shit that every body knows about but they think they're the first to come across it

That dick dock is a nasty app and i hope it quits promoting pedophilia and scams

by Criptix June 1, 2021

Kiss the dock

When something that people really want to buy finally shows up in the warehouse and then ships out immediately.

That Mugneret-Gibourg barely had chance to kiss the dock, and you don't have an allocation.

by potableH20 October 3, 2019

Dock Block

A situation in the board game Puerto Rico, when during the Captain Phase of the game, a player opts to ship his goods in such a way as to prevent another player from having access to one of the three allotted ships.

John: "I could ship my tobacco on the ship already containing tobacco, but instead I choose to place my one corn on the large ship so that you can't get any points."

Mary: "Oh man, you are such a dock block!"

by LlordLlama May 7, 2012