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Eagle Perch

The act of a man draping his genitals over another person shoulders. (variation of T-bagging)

"Dude i jus got eagle perched" (aka a nut sac was hanging on my shoulder)

by The one they call Andrew August 12, 2008

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Southern Bald Eagle

When you cum in someones ass and the next shit they take comes from down south. It has a white head and a brown body resembeling the southern bals eagle.

Mary and Mike were having sex. she was complaining so mike wisperd hold on bitch. The next shit she took was the exact replica of the southern bald eagle.

by Rhymemaster-Z January 25, 2008

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4th Eagle Squadron

Highly dedicated and uber clan. Have been around long enough to see others rise and fall to thier bullets. The best out there...

4th Eagle Squadron will kick ur ass!

by mwHogue February 25, 2008

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west coast eagles

The Worst AFL team in history. If your interested in becoming a weagle come try out our clinic!
We will tell you: what drugs will improve your stamina for those big games, all the wrong times to use bad language, how to insult someone in the lowest form, to go to rehab and promise to stop the drug addiction and getting the charges dropped plus much more!!

One of my friends went to the west coast eagles clinic.

by Amanda Pereira November 21, 2007

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eagle has landed

This was also a popular WW2 movie where Michael Caine was a German who landed in the UK to assinate Churchill.

We saw "the Eagle has landed" last weekend on cable.

by Scartissue April 21, 2005

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No screaming eagle shit

A Marine Corps term to describe an obvious situation.

Marine 1: I came in late from liberty and the gunny gave me extra duty.

Marine 2: No screaming eagle shit!

by Former Jarhead October 23, 2011

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Majestic Eagle Sasquatch

Something ugly that acts in a manor considered to be graceful or beautiful.

She then ascended like a majestic eagle sasquatch into the heavens.

by 3lectronicFan July 5, 2019