Source Code

Ed Hardy Security

Meat head, juicer douche bags that wear tight fitting designer T-shirts and destroy a good scene by overindulging and starting fights with anyone and everyone because of impotence and uncontrollable roid rage.

We were having a good time until Ed Hardy Security arrived and started trashing up the place, so the bar had to call the cops and everyone got kicked out.

by LightStormBRLA July 5, 2009

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Shenzi,Banzai and Ed

the three punk hyenas of the Lion king plains always on the lookout for their next meal or victim to taunt,tease and terrorize.

boy:"do you know the names of the lion king hyena's shenzi,banzai and ed in real life?"
girl:"yes!Neveen,Tanisha and Hanna of The Bad Girls Club"

by BlaQ~suga March 25, 2010

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getting head wile lit

yo i got h-ed from ur moms last night
pronounced h. ed two words

by zack aka(big balla) August 16, 2006

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Boo-ed Up

Currently seeing someone; in a relationship; the act of already having a "boo".

Q: Do you have any friend my homeboyss can kick it with?
A: Sorry, all my friends are boo-ed up.

by Franklin I Hustle August 16, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dave Bergh-ed

1) to consistently gravitate towards the unnecessary;

2) to take something simple and pure and turn that the thing into something repugnant;
3) to hate-fuck a chick and blow your wad in her ear

-"The job interview was going well until I totally Dave Bergh-ed it."

-"How so?"

-"Well, she was asking me to define leadership when I got nervous and blew my wad in her ear."


by Steve with Warrior Balls December 6, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone barges in front of you to get to a computer whilst you were about to go on it.

(note: this is only a term that a handful of Kingston University students will understand.)

Person 1: "look, there's a computer. Quick, go get it!"
Action: someone rushes in front of the person and takes the computer
Person 1: "You got Rishi-ed!"

by K0540019 December 10, 2006

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When Windows Vista is removed from a computer that is being crippled by its presence, for replacement for the stable and "much lighter" Windows XP.

My netbook is working so much faster since I de-vista-ed it and put XP on it.

by Mb500 March 2, 2009