A really nice truck.
Daym, that new Tacoma TRD is a fuck me truck!
To have sexual intercourse with the male counterpart
Ragefacestudios:Fuck me off
Person : thats pretty gay but sure .
Fuck me running...
Fuck me running in the ass ... I can't believe this is happening to me Again.
1) Is This Real?
2) this is a Problem
Etymology: Pennsylvanian Dutch
Reference to the sacred love making of Cleopatra and the prince of Persia when they had a ceremonious sexual bonfire in which the Pegasus was born and learnt how to fly. Commonly used by the Gyllenhaal family when they are wondering why their youngest son Jake is tardy.
Mom... where's Jake?!?
well Maggie- remember he had improv class today?!
ugh... well fuck me and the horse I flew in on.
*in unison* that's are Jakey!!!
1. WOW Are You Serious?
2. You’re Joking
3. What The Hell?
Are You Fucking Me Bro! That’s So Fake