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justice league

the movie is good and bad first time you watch it. after watching it a couple of times you start hating it.
after watching endgame you really think its bad. Justice league is just shit.
its so sad to see such good comics turn into such bad movies. '
i feel bad for the great unic characters from the comics that is so bad in the movies.

marvel fan: "bro hurry up the new marvel movie is starting in 5 minutes!"
marvel fan 2: "wait a sec bro just gotta make a justice league"
DC fan: "hurry up in there i really have to make a justice league!"

by Mr.Tasty Fart June 12, 2019

Orange Justice

1- A sign of victory while wearing any type of orange clothes
2- A popular Fortnite Season 4 emote that was made for poor people, as it was avaiable for everyone in the free battle pass.

Nibba just got an Orange Justice

by FuccMe August 1, 2018

cash register justice

Typically any situation where municipal and traffic violations are strickly enforced and fines are levied. Unfortunately for the poor who cannot afford to pay, the tab gets bigger and violations are compounded for not paying the original fines.

In some cases cash register justice can be a method available to those that can afford to pay the justice system and meet minor stipulations to get their minor criminal charges dropped and expunged from their record.

Cash register justice can be a "pay-to-get away with it" kinda thing especially when criminal charges are dropped and expunged by paying fees to the prosecutor in additions to minor stipulations. This may available to all in theory but easily taken care of by the rich, but not easily affordable by the poor.

by mlhiss August 3, 2020