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Left lane Lucas McCain

Long haul Truck Driver hauling livestock, usually in a Peterbilt or W9 Kenworth. The trucks aren't governed & they're usually in the left lane passing other traffic because that particular cargo has to be expedited.

If you're only going the speed limit out west, stay outta the hammer lane when you see left lane Lucas McCain in your mirror!

by Dr Dre' October 15, 2023

The Lanes

The most hood neighborhood in Yuma, AZ. Comprised of the poorest Mexicans, Blacks and the occasional White family. Located on the city outskirts. Drug dealers, drive-by’s and ratchetry are prevalent.

“You want a ride to where? The Lanes????? NOPE. Get out my car!”

by RockB79 October 14, 2022

The Lanes

A great progressive rock band from Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The Lanes are freakin' great.

by nerdboy July 28, 2003

Sarah Lane

To act like Sarah Lane, means, you’re giving someone the truth, without concern of their feelings. Nothing used to soften the blow. Just the truth, and nothing but.

Can also mean being straightforward, headstrong.

“Damn, you really pulled a Sarah
Lane when you told Becky off, yesterday. “

“Someone needs to tell her the truth. Where’s Sarah Lane when we need her?”

by Y0u@lre@dykn0w June 20, 2023

maia lane

maia lane is a sexy beast who loves to call

omg maia lane called me the other day shes so cool and sexy

by oliviarodrigo123 July 20, 2021

Gay lane

Gay lane is lane who is gay.

“Hey have you heard of gay lane?”
“Oh yeah! I heard he’s dating (whoever tf lane is dating)”
“ Oh! I didn’t know he was dating (whoever tf lane is dating)”

by Syddaer April 9, 2023

Joseph Lane

A human being who can never let you down. Only ever says nice and funny things. Extremely nice!

Oh man, "Joseph Lane" sure is a funny guy!

by HumanBean123 July 6, 2021