The rank below Lobster Lady/Lord in the online (found on Discord) army known as the Lobster Legion. Also known as just a moderator/mod. Centurions have similar powers to the Lobster Lady/Lord but when making an extra important call will consult the Lobster Lady.
The Lobster Centurion is a rank in the Lobster Legion.
When eating a lobster then out of no where a Taiwanese child pokes it's head out of the lobnster then you proceed to nut on their face. This is only done in your mum aha x
Yo bro i totally just bit the head of a kid off, fucking Taiwanese Lobster
when a significant other has a death grip on your member during a handjob
I can't get a robust boner without Bernice and her lobster love
A hacking and trolling group with very funny members whose goal is to get rid of pay to win minecraft servers and annoying 12 year old screaming kiddies on the internet and do other funny things because they can
"Bro my entire server got griefed and there is text everywhere with your server got lobstered!!!" - Mad Server owner
"I love blue lobsters inc I won a windows product key" - Giveaway winner
"Bro i think we're getting lobstered rn" - Mad Server owner
"In cooperation with: Blue Lobsters Inc." - PatchNote
"Habe Beweise dass es mein Server ist der ist nicht gesponsert diese Lobsters sind illegal" - SpionLennart
"Digga diese blue Lobsters oder so sind in mein Account drinne" - Datenflieger