A batshit short welsh bird who likes to mutilate other players on rebirth island.. can get particularly bitchy if your stupid enough to make sexist comments..especially regarding sandwiches.. rages like a madwoman on the regular and uses insults like “I hope your mother burns your curry”
Where the **** did that come from?? You raging welsh midget
A midget minority is a dwarf that is also a minority, but most commonly a sec offender, and no one knows why
I see a midget minority over there!
You know that means that they are a sec offender right?
Wait, really?
No, not all of them, but most of them
When a guy cums so hard while getting a handjob from a midget. Due to the height difference the midget gets sperm in her eye and screams in delight.
... going out with my girl later. Since her eye is feeling so much better we will be doing the midget splash
An inividual of below average size who of which walks faster than the typical average size person.
Holy shit, that 5'2 looking guy was next to me just before now he is 2 yards ahead of me! He must be a Midget On A Mission!
A highly trained clan of 7 midgets made by a Josue only called by the military for guaranteed success.
The government had to call The Midget Clan to defeat Israel.
A Commonly used term for wellbeing teachers and workers to assert authority and dominance over small people, and kids. The term is used primarily on kids titled Luke. Luke is defined as a small midget child who constantly creates trouble in the surrounding area. A Luke is always 5ft or under...
Wellbeing teacher : PIPE DOWN MIDGET! *agressively points down at the 3rd class citizen*
Luke : *scared* *timbers shivered*