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Cum Nails

When a girl has nail polish that resemble the appearance of cum.

Damn nice cum nails Melanie!

by kabar6 August 5, 2022

International crispy toe nails dripped in cheddar cheese eating day

On the twenty-first of June, you should eat crispy toe nails dipped in cheddar cheese until you have a stomach puncture.

Have you heared what happened to Joe?

No what?

He's got stomach puncture, he's in the hospital.

Oh my god, why?

Check urbandictionary. You'll read about the International crispy toe nails dripped in cheddar cheese eating day

by HipósGeci June 21, 2021

Brown Nail

Remembers of shit left under your finger nail after a scat party.

A badly bruised nail bed caused by pressuring the prostate.

“Hey bros how’s it going?”
*hand shake*

“Not too bad how about you?”
“Dude… what’s up with your nails? And what’s that smell?”
“I just finished up a dung festival?”

“A what?”

“A scat party!”

“Ew man! You got brown nail.”

by Tricaratope womb raider July 3, 2024

Trophy Nail

A single nail, usually the left pinky finger nail, that is grown out significantly longer than any other nail. It's primary use is for coke (AKA Columbian sugar)

The Vietnamese nail tech went crazy when her trophy nail broke.

by RoadKillWarrior April 27, 2019

She's a Nail it

A female who is always ready to "Nail It" with the next young stud that comes along. Usually an older female.

Me: "Hey man, what's up with that new girl that's been coming around, what's she like?"
Them: "She's a Nail it. You're too old to be her next target, she likes them alot younger."

by Ra Sol 777 April 14, 2023

island nails

when a females nail polish is chipped.

Destiny needs to go back to Ling Ling and get her nails done, why would she walk around with those Island nails like that.

by bribri27 November 30, 2017

98 pounds and tough as nails

Someone that calls everyone and everything abusive or inappropriate.

Now that he was elderly, terminally ill, and on a ventilator, the 98 pounds and tough as nails girl was going to go to the hosputal and kick his abusive ass. She had finally found the resolve and courage to do it, and she had decided that no matter the cost to anybody else, she would get her respect as the new guard, and the old guard was on it's way out.

by The Original Agahnim September 28, 2021