The Lord that controls all parts of nature, including chickens and cows, to bring evil to justice.
You should know that a man
With the power of nature
Can bring you to the end of your luck
And you should know by my stride
And the look in my eye
That you're about to be massively forced to give up!
Chicken attack
Chicken attack
Watch your back
Before it fades to black
They might look harmless
But they'll kick your non-chicken ass
Go chicken go-oh-o-oh-oh-o!
Go chicken go-oh-o-oh-oh-o!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky
With the power of nature
You're never alone
And you can't let evil run amok
Every beast, every tree follows me to the end
And you're about to be massively fucked!
Chicken attack
Chicken attack
Watch your back before it fades to black
They might look harmless
But they'll kick your non-chicken ass
Go chicken go-oh-o-oh-oh-o!
Go chicken go-oh-o-oh-oh-o!
Now go, now fly
You own the sky
You're young and you're hungry
Perhaps short on money
I give you this chicken today
Its eggs for your dinner
Its legs for next winter
You won't have to steal again
Go chicken go-oh-o-oh-oh-o! (Go chicken go)
Go chicken go-oh-o-oh-oh-o! (Go chicken go)
Now go, now fly
You own the sky
Ola-li ali-li oh-li ola-oh-li-li
Ola-li ali-li oh-li ola-oh-li-li
Ola-li ali-li oh-li ola-oh-li-li...
- Man Of Nature
When something is easy and fine
Rachael: Could you create me some cool images for this job I’m working on?
Jack: Yeah of course, that’s cool, that’s natural.
Such phrases implies the penis
Sarah was able to make a child by Dave’s life-giving nature’s wand.
Any external unstoppable force so strong and so unpredictable that it cannot be quantified. Humans have grown to think about themselves as masters over their environment, but when face to face with mother nature, we lose. Every. Single. Time.
Only the wise will understand and accept that nothing, not even humans and their scientific prowess, can control mother nature. The fool, on the other hand, deludes themselves into thinking that they are impervious to anything.
Be smart, don't ever underestimate mother nature.
COVID-19 is mother nature's wake up call that the human condition is and always has been fragile. Apparently, some very special individuals did not understand her wake up call and continue to live life accordingly to their rules. We call those very special individuals "anti-maskers".
Naturally dead is the term in the royal family in England where a child is catholic or a bastard child or both.
The son was a bastard and a catholic so he is "naturally dead."
Is when someone farts in a public pool such as a community pool, when close to another person, then swims away quickly.
I gave this black lady at the pool today a natural jacuzzi. She was not happy!!
Substitute for “never have I ever” (the phrase not the game), “I can’t make this shit up”, something unbelievable for others, a “swear on” yourself without actually swearing and avoiding a jinx or bad juju tether.
Long-winded response to add edge to a story or sentence.
An attention grabbing phrase for some one/thing/situation that is shocking and/or more serious than just an “ever” . More common around idiom users and anybody you picture when hearing “certain folks”
Similar to: “never in a million years”, “on my momma”, “y’all ain’t gunna believe this but I swear…”.
“Y’all, never in my natural-born life could I make this mess up.”
“I swear, never in my natural-born life would I betray you and ours like that”
“I ain’t lying when I tell you, that fight was crazy! They were ruthless! I’ve never in my natural-born life seen two people get after each other like that!”