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Milkshake is nice

Also known as “Milkshakism”, is an ethereal movement started in Somerset, massachusetts (which also makes it the only interesting thing to come from this shitty fucking town) based on the birdflesh song by the same name. The movements prime goal is to change the world by the molecular level to a milkshake, creating a sweet and cool paradise out of earth.

Milkshake is nice

But not in my eyes

Only in my mouth and soul

I want the taste

All the time

Milkshake is not a crime

I like milkshake, I like it a lot

Strawberry flavour, slowly we rot

Fresh fruit, milk and cream

Like an ever flowing stream

I like it sweet, not too thick

Without a shake, I get sick

Cool milkshake in a pool

Swim and drink, don’t go to school

Milkshake is nice

But not in my eyes

Only in my mouth and soul

I want the taste

All the time

Milkshake is not a crime

I like milkshake, I like it a lot

Strawberry flavour, slowly we rot

Fresh fruit, milk and cream

Like an ever flowing stream

I like it sweet, not too thick

Without a shake, I get sick

Cool milkshake in a pool

Swim and drink, don’t go to school

Happy soul equals happy life

Share a shake with your wife

True beauty in the cream

But it can’t compete with you Jolene

by Milkshake is nice August 31, 2019

Nice Arcstaff

...we dont talk about it

Perma (me): pops Arcstaff
Me: get actually railed by a slug/melee
Rat: Nice Arcstaff Perma

by Nice one Perma March 15, 2022

Nice Vent

if your name is Nemo then you vent a lot in among us

Yo Nemo nice vent

by Nemoic October 23, 2020

nice shitepipe

If someone has a nice shite pipe, they have a tidy-as-fuck hole, in which someone would love to ram their bear cock up

Thomas: Jesus Christ, she'd get it, she has a nice shitepipe
Me: the fuck is a shite pipe?
Thomas: the hole, just the hole

by McGinnTheRealOG December 18, 2013

nice mississippi

A phrase that usually refers to a person's ass starting from the top of the ass and runs all the way down the legs to the toes. Sort of like the Mississippi river.

The girl with the pink shirt has a nice mississippi.

by funnyguy415 July 3, 2018

mormon nice

1. A nice person who is excessively nice or awkwardly nice in a way that might make someone else feel like something is wrong.

2. A guy who struggles to get a date because he is too nice.

(Was used in the movie “when we first met” to describe someone excessively nice.)

He takes nice to the next level, he’s Mormon nice.

by xwave800 December 19, 2019

yep nice

yep nice is the word a boy uses to state the fact he doesnt care, it is normally said when you tell him random things, little sarcastic flamingo

me: i dropped my nerds

flamingo: yep nice

by freyasarat August 25, 2021