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patrol the hole

When a designated wing man will scout a trout

'Oi mate can you keep an eye on when Bobby brown turns 16'

'Yeah I'll patrol the hole'

by EWatson4eva September 24, 2017

shuck hole

An orifice that is used for shitting and fucking.

Betty was on the rag. So John smashed her shuck hole.

by Jackreacharounder March 16, 2021

Ghost hole

When someone trips or falls for no good reason and nothing is around to trip you

John hit a Ghost hole and fell in the street

by Firestorm88 July 28, 2016

Joe Hole

A Joe Hole is a particularly nasty and diseased lair or man-cave of a dude.

Doug could never bring any women back to his Joe Hole of an apartment.

by MthrSprr July 12, 2011

key in the hole

A game where you put your dick in a ass or pussy

Hey wanna play key in the hole 😉

by Nigger buttshit March 15, 2020

study hole

-(n)- 1.) a confined space where one secludes oneself to absorb information.

2.) a crevice, orifice, or portal where the uptake of new unlearned information is absorbed.

Alex: "hey man wanna come out to the bars tonight?"
Butters: "Nah, I can't, I have to go to my study hole, huge exam tomorrow"

Alex: "bummer"

by FuriousGeorge2011 March 2, 2011

Grub Hole

An individual’s mouth. The cake hole. The pie hole.

I need to fill my grub hole now. I’m starving.

by Eaton Holgoode February 15, 2018