When skiing with a friend and your skis get intertwined. Is considered legally binding marriage if it happens on a Sunday in Canada.
I didn't fall today unless you count the mountain docking incident with Andrew.
A person who works on the dock who works in logistics and receives inventory and exports goods.
What profession are you in? I’m a dock gobbler. I’m do shipping and receiving on the dock.
When a male puts his foreskin over another mans helmet/bell end then the second man places his( the second foreskin) over the first gentlemans foreskin
Craig and mat decided to engage in mutual masturbation using interlocking docking
Strategic docking is when a person inserts his penis into the forseskin of another man's penis. The strategic part of it is when someone isn't paying attention. For example during a pvp session, someone sneaks under your desk and docks you very quickly.
Vikz likes Strategic docking. It makes his genitals all tingly, since it feels special.
A term of endearment and a way of blagging it if your predictive text has spelt dick head wrong
A disgusting application for braindead people that promotes dangerous and fake scam shit meant to mess with or waste peoples time most "videos" on there show people having seizures or doing stupid pointless shit that every body knows about but they think they're the first to come across it
That dick dock is a nasty app and i hope it quits promoting pedophilia and scams
Where you take an uncircumcised penis and a circumcised penis and put the two tips together then pull the skin of the uncircumcised penis over the top of the circumcised penis and ejaculate at the same time.
Jim over there likes to sloppy sock dock all of his friends