A clever way to say someone is a 4.25/10 on the beauty scale.
"Your mom's a prime number!"
the shit that pucci says to calm down
pucci: 2, 3, 5, 7 (the prime numbers)
of the best possible quality; excellent.
Omg you got me a drink, prime salad!
The perfect way to describe a massive penis.
“Noot has a Schlongulus Prime“
a fraud who murdered the primes
Sentinel Prime: Time to extend the miner's work again for the 200,719,860th time in a row
A slang term similar to Netflix and chill
Hey girl are you ready for some Amazon Prime and booty time?
An act of removing the wire cage from a bottle of champagne and shaking it wildly, thus making it ready to fire.
After priming the champagne, Walter started looking for a suitable target, holding the bottle as if it were a shotgun.