Source Code

A Cumby's Run

Long has man desired a temporary escape to a place where all is well and the troubles of the world seem to fade away. I am hear to tell you such place exists. This place is known as Cumberland Farms.

A "cumby's run" is the journey one takes to reach this area of divine sactity. It could be through the woods, via the road, or through your own mind.

The proccess usually takes place when the sun has retreated. There are a set of rules to justify this:

1) A Cumby's Run must take place only after 10:00PM
2) A Cumby's Run must be done with one or more person
3) There are no more rules.

"d00d, i feel like absolute shit right now...what should i do?"
"dude, let's just go on a cumby's run and clear your head a little bit, ya know?"
"what kind of stuff do they have at cumby's?"
"that have 1337 whoopie pies and like breakfast sandwhiches and like alot of poonaney avaliable for everyone!!!"

"yo d00d, you wanna go for a cumby's run now?"
"oh, yeah yeah definitely."

by Roofus the Stunt Bum March 9, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

hit and run

When one silently farts near a person or group, then slowly walks away inconspicuosly. Usually a sign of disrespect to the receiving party.

Mr. Stalesberry just did a hit and run.

by candm February 16, 2005

170๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

Run the Mile

To run the mile means to are getting drunk. If you are only paritially drunk then maybe you only ran the half mile, or if your tipsy maybe you only ran the quarter mile. but if you run the full mile then you are considered wasted. In order to run the mile you must have running shoes (alcohol). Origin: Two men were drunk on homecoming night and had to get back home, they ended up running about a mile back to their house.

Harry decided to run the mile and ended up on the toilet all night. Mitch decided to run the mile and ended up barfing everywhere.

by The Human Noodle December 24, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

temple run

temple run is a fun game were you have to have great skills in escaping these monkey things.this game is a fun addicting game used for any type of i-pod touch or i-phone or i-pad

I got 4,563,943 on temple run!

by ilovetemplerun7672 December 26, 2011

61๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Run Fucked

When there's a girl, preferably with a smokin hot body, on the beach and she bends over with her fine ass just up in the air and someone runs up and just slam dunks their knob right into her cooter. Typically, you'd have to run fuck a willing girl, because if you don't then it's run fucking - rape edition. Can make for a very hot beach fucking, or a very awkward moment. You'll have to use your best judgement. Past tense would be ran fucked.

Eye fucker 1: holy shit! Look at that chicks ass up in the air! What, is she trying to get run fucked or something?
Eye fucker 2: it sure as hell seems like it! I think I'm gonna go for it.
Eye fucker 1: be careful man, we don't need to see any run fucking - rape edition.
Eye fucker 2: oh no worries man. She's waving that shit around just begging for it... Time for the slam dunk playa!

by J-A son! April 18, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

ring and run

a game young kids play, 1 kid would go up to a persons house and ring their doorbell, and then run away, but not to far so you can see the owner open the door and look outside...hence the name "ring and run"
nowadays people don't open doors, they ask who is it? or look through a keyhole...FYI

kid 1: Im bored.
kid 2: me too.
kid 3: We can play ring and run...
kids 1 & 2: yeaaaahhhh!!!! lets play "ring and run" and piss off some neighbors!!!

by blthrskt October 30, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

home run

1. To have sex with
2. To hit a baseball or softball over the fence

1. "Me and TJ finally fucked last night when we were chillin at his friends house."
2. What I'ma do this softball season

by amaran January 21, 2004

1011๐Ÿ‘ 627๐Ÿ‘Ž