A sexy, hot guy, who gets hella hard looking at a specific girl he likes. He acts gay but really isn't, and has the dick all girls want. He's fit and intelligent and won't let his girl down when she needs him.
being defined
" Hey, you know this guy name Roman :3 right? He's so tall and handsome."
" Oh ya, he's so hot, just look at his shorts and you can see how big his dick is." :9
" Ya well to bad he has a girlfriend already." :(
A sexy, hot guy, who gets hella hard looking at a specific girl he likes. He acts gay but really isn't, and has the dick all girls want. He's fit and intelligent and won't let his girl down when she needs him.
" Hey, you know this guy name Roman :3 right?"
" Oh ya, he's so hot, just look at his shorts and you can see how big his dick is." :9
" Ya well to bad he has a girlfriend already." :(
He is an avid golfer, loves formula one, cheering for Mercedes . He is also a competent scuba diver. But beware, he sees red when he is angry. Bustos has a fiery rage, but an even more fiery passion. He is incredibly intelligent, knowing that there is more to the Cheesecake Factory menu then just cheesecake.
“I want Roman Bustos to absolutely destroy me after a round of golf.”
The creation of this marked the fall of the roman empire. The oculus is a design so mindless only the most imbecilic humans could have dreamed it up. If you visit it bring your umbrella for the bird poop and rain.
Person 1: I went to see the roman oculus the other day
Person 2: wow did you lose intelligence when you saw how stupid it was?
Person 1: probably, a bird pooped on me too. The rain coming through washed it off though.
The Premium subtle pussy lips with folds of an Angel, the vagina you only see in the best porn. The opposite of an Arby’s roast beef sandwich
I was banging those Roman Curtains last night and I felt like Cesar himself Getting the best pussy in all of Rome
Jessica has Amazing Roman curtains While Amy’s pussy looks like a roast beef sandwich with Extra meat
A superb Vagina that has nice folds like premium roman curtains
Jess has porn quality Roman curtains Unlike Amy’s leftover roastbeef meat curtains
Hurting someone’s face or head to the degree that Their face/head is covered in blood
I oughta give this weirdo a Roman makeover for the way he treated me and called me weird.