Ao è l’espressione romana per eccellenza. Ha molteplici significati, che variano in base al tono della voce. I più comuni sono: stupore, rimprovero, strafottenza, tristezza, sarcasmo, esaustione, dolore. Questi sono i più usati, ma ce ne sono molti altri, in base al contesto, al tono ed altre variabili.
Si può tradurre con “ehy” ma molto approssimativamente, poiché “Ao” esprime il tuo stato d’animo, quello che pensi e quello che senti dentro. È vietato scrivere Aho, Aoh, HAo, oppure Il Divino Proietti (Portatore di pace e di ogni cosa bella) farà irruzione in casa vostra e vi picchierà a sangue. È permesso scrivere sui social 🅰️🅾️, esattamente come è permesso scrivere ne🅱️ro o ni🅱️🅱️a.
Examples for Roman Ao
“Ao ma che cazzo stai a fa”
“Ao ma che palle questa”
“Ao ma te hai capito?”
“Ao hai rotto er cazzo”
“Ao a nfame fracico l’animaccia deli peggio mortacci tua”
A version of docking in which one participant wears a condom (for safety or other reasons).
George is just getting to know Rocco and doesn't feel comfortable docking with him without a condom and prefers the Roman Tortoise method
Tooth floss that has been soaked and marinated in urine and feces.
I'd like to give a cheater a swirlie some day. Maybe a roman floss.
A hot girl who you have dated and are no longer with. (An X)
Jake: What's up with you and Lily
Brad: Dude let's not talk about her, she's a roman numeral ten
When some sticks there finger/fingers in the pee hole
I had a Roman sword fight last night.
A sex move in which a person with a functioning penis inserts PopRocks candy into their urethra while erect, inserts their penis into their partners ass, and begins to urinate during the act of penetration.
“So I was at the club last night with Brad and he told me he wants to give me The Roman Candle!”
Slacking on the job, putting in late hours for no apparent reason.
Not attending mandatory meetings, having shitty excuses all the time & not even trying to put effort to them.
To talk about a simple topic endlessly (where the whole meeting room is trying to embrace the Death God himself to put every one of out their misery, just not having to listen for one more minute).
Sleeping in the car at the office parking space / in front of your own flat.
Attending a party 24hours after you promised you will make it on time, just to try to convince everybody else to stay one more day, etc.
money hungry So, you were up all night debugging 1 line of code? Invoice for 10 hours night-shift? It seems you are developing Roman style.
lazy Wow, you are really slacking on this project. This is the textbook Roman style.