barbara black sheep haave u any wool? yessir yessir 3 backs full 1 for asha and 1 for farah 1 for the little boy who lives in the streets :wow: yes plz mama sheep
BARBAR BLACK SHEEP: mama wool yes plz everyone: yaya mama wool yes plz :wow:
barbara black sheep have u any wool yessir 3 backs full 1 for farah 1 for asha and one for beaatriz that lives down the lane
BARBAR BLACK SHEEP mama plz xp cheack
S/o to D for creating this is in the Moore Gym. Basically some dirty ass pictures of sheeps getting booty shit from pirates.
“Oh damn, my flock is messed up because Johnny came by. Stupid anal sheep pirate.”
someone blindly following geek culture icons without being actually passionate about them.
look at all those geek sheep watching the new disney star wars movie!
i hear janet likes the ghostbusters reboot - what a total geek sheep!
Anyone who lives in a favilla and speciailizes in the art of shank making
"Give that squeezel sheep a post-it and cap from a 20oz coke bottle and he will make 7 shanks."
when a sheep's intestines dance to the groove
oh yea girl! hit that sheep intestine rewind
People on Facebook who are clueless about how everything they have typed into a search engine, retail online, twitter, Facebook, email, and anything connected to a desktop computer, or a smartphone has been collected and used to cause to them to follow or send them ads or request donations.
Wow, Facebook sheep, do they believe every meme, story, or celebrity they see or read about on Facebook? They follow like sheep to slaughter!