It means you haven't understand anything that has been explained (Angolan slang)
person 1—How did the test go ?
person 2—rhum...just the way, I saw smoke💀(past)present (see smoke)
Nathan Smoke is a twitch streamer/youtuber, he is very funny and cool, and I suggest you watch him. He also has twitter @nathansmokee. Also, please remember that he is his own person :
"Nathan Smoke? Yeah, he's very cool and funny in my opinion"
While spooning -the inner spoon farts, smoking the outer spoon's bratwurst.
After my wife ate the chili Saturday at the picnic, let's just say I have a smoked bratwurst.
Smoking cannabis; smoking soft, rather than a hard drug like cocaine.
I'm always smoking soft after work.
finest meat in Miami (cooch) cooked by the Chef Claudia.
(can be cooked flappy or tight)
Would you like some Smoked Cooch?
When someone is being inauthentic, a straight up faker or when someone is constantly talking smack they can't back up.
Don't even sweat it man, that dude is only puffin smoke.
When someone has been smoking weed for so long that their stoner haze doesn't wear off when their high wears down anymore. They are just that dumb/slow all the time.
Stoner while not high: Duuuuuude, where did you put the peanut butter???
Roommate 1: Uh, it's in your hand.
Stoner: Ohhhh yeahhhhh, huhuhhuhuhuhuh.
Roommate 2: (shakes head), man, he is smoked stupid. I remember back in the day when he used to be totally normal.
Roommate 1: Yeah. BEFORE college.